Friday, January 24, 2014

A Good Day to Have an Accident

Sure, there’s no good day to have an accident - accidents happen.  But, some can be avoided with just a bit of work.  If they’re happening often there is something you may want to look at: What day do they most frequently happen?  At a recent lunch with a large client, he told me an interesting story.

They were going through incident reports when a sharp eye in the office noticed that most of their accidents were happening on Mondays.  Apparently, their drivers were coming in with the events of the weekend still on their minds.  This distracted driving led to more accidents on days following weekends or vacations.

A solution that is showing some promise is to ramp drivers up to working speed first thing, when they get back on the job.  About 30-minutes to an hour of focused, safety-related activity can help get distracted minds back on track and ready to hit the road. 

The time you have your drivers spend on these seemingly minor activities can more than pay for itself through reduced accidents.  Here are a couple things to experiment with, to see what works best with your crew:

1.       Companies like Avatar ( create videos and games that are safety-focused, interesting and effective.  The more interactive the task, the better, so if you want to stick with videos, you may want to include a short quiz at the end.  You can offer prizes to drivers with the highest scores.

2.       Having your drivers perform a safety check (even if your mechanics have already done so) also gets your drivers’ minds focused on their truck and their upcoming work day.

3.       Have a brainstorming session as to what the most pressing safety issues are for your driving team...then share it with  If you give us a month’s worth of safety ideas/concerns, we’ll give you a month’s worth of customized safety sheets (one offer per company, of course)!  These Monday morning meetings can also be a great way to pick brains for how you can retain drivers.

We are always looking for new, interesting safety ideas.  If you have one, please share it with us:!

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